A pretty gluten free sponge cake (chooce from chicken, cheese or peanut butter) decorated with a special sugar free doggy icing and coloured with natural fruit and vegetable colours to create a marble effect. Cakes come with 2 x cookies and a pretty cake topper.
Boys will get blue frosting, girls will get the pretty pink.
All cakes must be stored in the fridge.
You can choose the size and flavour of this cake and personalise the crunchy cheesey biscuits that come as decoration to say your dogs name and age.
You can choose the size of your cake from the following:
Small- A 4 inch cake suitable for 2-3 medium sized dogs
Medium- A 5 inch cake suitable for 4-5 medium sized dogs
Large- A 6 Inch cake suitable for 7-8 medium sized dogs
Cake ingredients: Gluten free flour (rice, tapioca, potato), milk, egg.
Icing: Ingredients: Yoghurt powder,skimmed milk, maize flour, tapioca flour, albumen, (trace maltodextrin)
Please enter in the custom box the date you would like this cake delivered. Please note we require 4 days notice for all cakes and we make deliveries on a Tuesday-Friday.
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